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Learning Requires Focus

Written by Vision33 | Mon, Feb 28, 2011 @ 07:54 PM

If you have been live on SAP Business One for a few years you have most likely been on the learning path.  You may have found learning SAP Business One to be challenging - for many, it takes a significant investment of time before they are truly comfortable.

Over the years SAP has done a great job of creating training videos and How To Documents for nearly every aspect of the application.  I hope that you have taken advantage of them and know how to retrieve them either on the Vision33 FTP site, or by using the SAP Business One Customer Portal.

But what about all the new features and functionality being introduced in version 8.8 and beyond?  In particular, now that we have a world class reporting tool in Crystal Reports, how will you learn it?  Can you afford to learn-as-you-go, or do you need the benefits right now?

At Vision33 TOTAL Care we have created a two-day training course for Crystal Reports.  The focus is on using Crystal Reports in SAP Business One, especially version 8.8 and beyond.  I am traveling the country leading classes of 6 or more students in every region. This week I trained another eight 8 in Dallas, Texas.

In return for their two day investment in training, each student returns to their business able to write basic Crystal Reports, and they receive a 230+ page manual and a resource CD containing, among others things, nearly 100 Crystal Reports designed for SAP Business One.

In talking with these students it was obvious that they recognized that they might never have learned these new skills without getting out of the office and giving total focus to this learning opportunity.

While I am a great practitioner of “learning on the job” I’m sure you will agree that trying to set-aside 14 hours of “learning time” in your day to day work schedule is impossible.  In fact, you might be fortunate to find 15 minutes a day to learn something new.  Even if you could actually set aside 15 minutes per day, it would take two months to accumulate 14 hours of unfocused and most likely disjointed learning experiences.

TOTAL Care has a better way.  Invest in two days of focused learning.  Get out of the office and away from interruptions where you can place full attention on learning something new and valuable.

There’s a new class scheduled for the end of March in Florida - hope to see you there and ready to focus.

Photo Credit: Mark Hunter