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Make Your Cash More Productive Than Ever

Written by Vision33 | Thu, Nov 25, 2010 @ 12:26 PM


Cash flow optimization requires careful attention.

The opportunities tend to be small and difficult to notice, but accumulated, they can result in substantial gains, either through reduced financing costs or greater returns on the time value of money. To make your cash as productive as possible, therefore, you need to be able to drill into the details. A financial system designed for transparency is the only way to accomplish this.

The very nature of treasury management is what makes optimization difficult to attain. The opportunities are concealed by the volume of data and the small size of the opportunities (in many cases). So, they can be brought to light only by diligent analysis. You need to dig into the numbers to see how you can optimize the flow of cash into and out of your organization.

Data is fundamental to driving ROI

Data is fundamental to driving ROI from treasury management activities: both access to it and the ability to report on it effectively. You need to be able to view your entire financial supply chain in order to see how cash moves throughout your company. It’s the relationships among the moving parts that usually reveal how you can optimize your cash.

The key to success lies in your ERP or integrated accounting systems. Examine the data closely, and look for the small inefficiencies that can add up to a big difference. Then, develop an action plan for remedying your treasury management practices, implement improvements, and continually monitor your environment for results. Your financial system should provide the “single version of the truth” you need to roll out practices that will save your company money and generate ROI swiftly.

Managing cash flow is integral to the success of any business, and optimizing it can lead to rapid returns that accumulate over time. Pair a robust accounting solution with careful analysis, and you can find financial gains you can use to support other initiatives, particularly those that will generate more ROI for your company.

Photo credit: FamZoo