Accela Civic Platform

April 13, 2023

How to Enhance Document Management for the Accela Civic Platform

Government Technology

Blog > How to Enhance Document Management for the Accela Civic Platform

The Accela Civic Platform is a powerful, cloud-based software solution that accelerates growth, efficiency, and transparency and allows government agencies to improve citizen services and fulfill the needs of growing communities.

From planning and building to managing service requests, Accela levels the playing field so governments of all sizes can leverage “big city” technology. 

However, even with this robust software, government staff can get bogged down with document management tasks.

Vision33, a leading Accela implementation and technology partner, joined Avolve Software, the global leader in eplan solutions for government agencies, for a webinar on the topic.

The webinar showcases DigEplan Navigate, a simple add-on that fully integrates with the Accela back office and empowers Accela users to gain new efficiencies with existing processes.

And you need only 15 minutes to see how this add-on can reduce 80% of your daily document management tasks.

Watch a short demo from the webinar to see how DigEplan Navigate lets you:

  • Group and filter using Accela data fields or custom data fields
  • Instantly view documents without downloading or opening them in a desktop app
  • See a side-by-side comparison or digital overlay of various documents
  • Set up custom fields to manage documents and plans more effectively

Regardless of which eplanning solution your agency uses today, DigEplan Navigate can help you get more from your Accela investment.   

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