October 23, 2014

Delivering Superior Customer Experience With SAP Business One Add-Ons

SAP Business One

Blog > Delivering Superior Customer Experience With SAP Business One Add-Ons

As a growing business in a competitive market, you find yourself fighting for key customers on two fronts. Not only do you have larger competitors to worry about, but you also have to find a way to differentiate yourself from small mom and pop shops who offer similar products or services. In order to stay ahead of competitors both large and small, you need to provide the best customer experience at each and every turn. After all, you’re only as good as your customer’s last interaction with you.

But how do you accomplish this without spending a fortune?

You empower your customers with access to accurate, up-to-date account information so that they can view their own data at any time. Companies such as zedSuite are dedicated to creating solutions designed specifically to help you do this. They create tools to connect SAP Business One with your customers, vendors, and employees. Many Vision33 customers have found that leveraging tools like the zed Customer Portal gives their customers a higher level of confidence  because of the transparency in account information. The more your customer trusts your company and the information it provides, the happier they are.     

With tools like zed Customer Portal for SAP Business One, your customer is also no longer limited to the availability of your company representatives to find pertinent account information. They have secure access to all the account information they need right at their fingertips anywhere, anytime. This makes your customer’s life much easier and with less time spent on phone calls about daily account updates, you can reallocate your employees to other productive areas in your business.

zed Customer Portal for SAP Business One

Businesses that have leveraged a Customer Portal have found significant cost savings, as they are able to offer tools their larger competitors do by default. At the same time, they have saved significant administrative time from employees answering questions that customers would prefer to answer themselves. Instead – time on the phone is being spent having more meaningful discussions about a customer’s history and what other value add can be provided given their history.

To find out more about how products like zed Customer Portal have helped Vision33 customers get even greater value from their SAP Business One investment and pay that value forward to their own customers, visit www.zedsuite.com.