
February 21, 2018

Ransomware Attacks Will Continue to Impact Businesses in 2018

SAP Business One

Blog > Ransomware Attacks Will Continue to Impact Businesses in 2018

No business is too large or too small to be safe from a malware attack. All enterprise applications, including your SAP Business One software, contain valuable information that can halt all operations when cybercriminals hold your data hostage.

What does this mean for your business? No orders. No payments. No ability to do business with your customers. 

We have seen ransomware attack too many customers in 2017 – leaving them at a stand-still for days and sometimes weeks. As your trusted partner, we want to help you put a strategy in place that will proactively prevent you from having to deal with a ransomware attack. As a growing business, you can’t afford not to have a strategy in place.



Watch the full recording presented by our IT Services Team as we outline the first steps you need to take today to get the right strategy in place to protect your business from a ransomware attack.

During this session, you will:

  • Gain insight into ransomware and how it finds growing businesses.
  • Hear real-world customer stories of Vision33 customers and how it has impacted their business and SAP Business One system.
  • Learn the importance of bullet-proofing your valuable business data.
  • Hear best practices on how to mitigate the risk of an attack.

Don’t let your business be victimized this year. Watch the webinar today!

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