Sage Intacct Planning

April 21, 2022

Take Business Planning to the Next Level With Sage Intacct Planning

Sage Intacct

Blog > Take Business Planning to the Next Level With Sage Intacct Planning

How can your organization’s finance team take a more prominent seat at the leadership table? By becoming faster, more agile, and more informed in the nuances of the business—and Sage Intacct Planning is the modern solution that delivers.

The marketplace has changed, and it’s more critical than ever for financial professionals to be trusted advisors and strategic thinkers. They can’t be held back by the limitations of traditional financial tools and processes.

The Love/Hate Relationship With Excel

Spreadsheets may seem tailor-made for finance, but really, they’re static, manual, time-consuming, and error-prone workarounds that prevent collaboration between departments.

If you plan with spreadsheets, your annual budgeting is painfully slow and often obsolete by the time it’s done. Excel makes it nearly impossible to plan effectively and guide your organization with speed and agility.

To achieve a modern planning culture, you need a purpose-built, cloud-based solution like Sage Intacct Planning.

Sage Intacct Planning in a Nutshell

Sage Intacct Planning automates finance’s manual work. It empowers financial professionals to deliver plans and insights faster, easier, and more confidently.

Sage Intacct Planning brings data, processes, and team members—inside and outside of finance—together in one cloud-based application. It delivers a single source of financial truth accessible to anyone, anywhere, for real-time planning and decision-making.

The Sage Intacct Planning Difference

Here’s how Sage Intacct Planning outshines other planning applications:

  • It’s easy to deploy and use—no IT required!
  • It has a user-friendly Planning Wizard that syncs data and dimensions from your ERP solution
  • It’s full of features modern financial teams need, like driver-based modeling, what-if scenarios, and rolling forecasts

See Sage Intacct Planning in Action

To learn more, watch our on-demand webinar, Sage Intacct Planning: A Better Way to Plan. You’ll see some of the 1,000 companies that trust Sage Intacct Planning and the benefits they’re enjoying. Then dive into Sage Intacct Planning to understand how it can help your financial team plan at the speed of business.

Watch the webinar