January 07, 2021

Transforming Inventory Management: Get Your Warehouse in Order

SAP Business One

Blog > Transforming Inventory Management: Get Your Warehouse in Order

Inventory management

The SAP Business One enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution is one of the best business management solutions on the market. Its flexibility meets the needs of a range of business types and offers the core functionality small to midsized enterprises need – right out of the box.

But no software developer can manage the depth required for an ERP to suit every business need in every industry vertical. That’s why SAP’s flagship midmarket ERP solution is powered by an ecosystem of SAP-certified industry add-ons.

To meet SAP Business One users' functional requirements in warehouse management and manufacturing, Vision33 collaborates with certified SAP software solution partners (SSPs) to bridge gaps with a greater depth of industry-specific features.

What Does 'Seamlessly Integrated' Really Mean?

Vision33 describes the industry functionality provided by SAP-certified SSPs as "seamlessly integrated with SAP Business One" – but what does that mean? It means the additional features are added directly to SAP Business One’s menu structure with no break in your employees' workflow. From a user perspective, it's visually seamless. From a business systems administrator perspective, data is centralized and accessible without manual data transfer between systems.

Make SAP Business One Work for Your Business

One of Vision33's strategic SSPs for SAP Business One is Boyum IT Solutions. Boyum IT’s award-winning add-ons enable SAP Business One users to work smarter and faster throughout their entire business with improved processes for discrete and process manufacturing.

Like Vision33's approach to the intelligent enterprise, Boyum IT's underlying philosophy for SAP Business One centers on seamless integration. Vision33 recently invited Boyum IT to present Transforming Inventory Management to describe how their industry add-ons positively affect SAP Business One by further integrating your business with your supply chain.

Transforming Inventory via Better Integration With Your Supply Chain

Integrating business systems – like your business management solution and supply chain – yields better data, allowing you to build stronger partner relationships. Vision33 offers Boyum IT solutions so its SAP Business One customers can achieve greater integration and better meet their industry needs.

Consider food and beverage companies. Not only do they operate in a highly regulated industry, they’re part of a global supply chain. Such businesses need access to standardized information about their inventory to track their products throughout the supply chain and provide traceability and a full audit trail to comply with government and industry guidelines.  

SAP Business One WMS Solution

Using SAP Business One's centralized database and inventory records with an industry add-on solution like Boyum IT's Produmex warehouse management system (WMS) provides deeper functionality. Users can optimize inbound and outbound logistics and meet regulatory requirements for traceability while achieving cost savings.

Produmex WMS provides a complete SAP Business One solution that transforms your logistics processes into finely tuned operations that drive productivity and profitability in your supply chain. The added warehouse management functionality supports multiple warehouses and operators and processes high volumes of transactions while maintaining the high performance you expect from SAP.

Integrate Your Business

To learn more about transforming your inventory management in SAP Business One with an industry add-on solution from Boyum IT Solutions, listen to the full presentation of Transforming Inventory Management, part of the Vision33 Virtual Customer Days event.

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