
July 26, 2019

Is That ERP Solution on Your Shortlist a Fly-by-night?

SAP Business One

Blog > Is That ERP Solution on Your Shortlist a Fly-by-night?

When evaluating cloud ERP solutions, you may create a shortlist of vendors that require more careful attention, as their strengths and weaknesses may not be obvious - NetSuite vs. SAP Business One. When investing limited resources into adopting a new business management solution, considering the long-term implications will save time and money, and prevent the need to switch to another solution later.

Investing in an ERP solution will help your business achieve its goals – unless you rush into it, in which case it will hamper your growth. ERPs are more than off-the-shelf accounting software, and the right choice can position your business for many years of growth and success.

Does Your ERP Vendor Truly Understand Your Needs?

When evaluating your shortlist of ERP solutions, consider:

  • Does one solution include comprehensive support from an IT professional services company that understands your needs?
  • Does one solution possess a clear road map for product development that matches your needs?
  • Does the vendor understand the needs of small to midsized businesses, or is your business a blip on their radar?

Two alternatives you may be considering are: SAP Business One from financial systems leader SAP, and NetSuite (acquired by Oracle in 2016).

One of SAP’s strengths is their understanding of financial systems for businesses of all sizes, which they’ve earned through a dedicated network of certified consultants. In addition to giving SAP insight into users’ needs, this channel partner network helps users leverage their technology by offering a better understanding of local market challenges and opportunities.

Download the 9-point software comparison Between SAP Business One and NetSuite.

SAP’s understanding of small, midsized, and large businesses’ needs contrasts with Oracle, who’s primary focuses has been on large enterprise market segment. For businesses that partner directly with NetSuite for their implementation, post go-live support will come from overseas consultants; an effort to keep support costs low. But this means missing out on valuable local market insight that is available from a local partner as is the case for SAP Business One users that benefit from the SAP channel partner network. Additionally, it’s unclear what the Oracle acquisition of NetSuite means for the application’s future roadmap.

Genuine Customer Engagement: Americas’ SAP Users’ Group

The joint customer and SAP-run Americas’ SAP Users’ Group (ASUG) focuses on providing support, training, and collaboration among SAP Business One users. Together, they explore new ideas, solve roadblocks, and build professional networks. Members receive benefits like local meetings with other SAP Business One users and growing businesses – ensuring that the solution provides value for many years.

SAP Business One vs. NetSuite

To help you compare SAP Business One and NetSuite, download our 9-point software comparison guide. It highlights critical differences between the two ERP systems in areas businesses should pay attention to when choosing to implement a new solution.

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