April 28, 2020

10 Easy Ways Technology Can Produce Results For Food Manufacturers

SAP Business One

Blog > 10 Easy Ways Technology Can Produce Results For Food Manufacturers

SAP Business One

It's not business as usual in the food and beverage manufacturing industry right now. Businesses are faced with challenges they did not expect and are pivoting how they operate and implementing new ways to sell their products. Others are dealing with increased or shifting demand and are trying to ensure they keep up. Technology can help companies streamline how they do business, prepare for adversity and help them stay the course as they navigate through challenging times.

Help your food and beverage manufacturing business come out the other side with these 10 tips:

  1. Capture and store detailed information inbound & outbound
    Use batch attributes such as country of origin, harvesting dates, and quality class to record detailed information at every step of the supply chain.
  2. Stage frequent mock recalls
    Practice your recall procedures and test your company’s responsiveness quarterly. Prepare your employees well so that if an emergency does happen, they respond quickly and effectively to uphold your company’s reputation.
  3. Use PTI compliant labels
    Make sure to apply GS1 labels to properly identify your produce and provide full traceability from farm to fork.
  4. Set strict quality controls
    Catch problems before they start and set alerts to notify executives of deviations to ensure your customers are getting the best quality produce.
  5. FEFO picking and shelf life management
    Reduce the loss produce losses by distributing the products with the shortest shelf life first.
  6. Advanced, real-time reporting
    Get answers in minutes, not hours. Have a full and complete understand of order statuses and produce history to keep your customers happy.
  7. Inventory management
    Reduce waste while making sure you are not losing sales because your produce inventory is out of stock.
  8. Automate administrative processes
    Give you employees more time to devote to your customers by automating administration functions from purchase order to invoice.
  9. Create dashboards
    Monitor warehouse, docks, storage areas, zones, bin locations and production areas with custom dashboards to ensure quality and effectively monitor progress.
  10. Catch weight management
    Save your company time by using a system that supports dual units of measure, quantity & weight registration during goods receipt, inventory moves and picking.

SAP Business One is a feature-packed enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution that can accomplish these 10 things and more to give your employees extra time to focus on what is really important.

For more information about how SAP Business One can help growing companies like yours streamline operations, enhance reporting and effectively manage the supply chain, download our eBook - Navigating the New Supply Chain - How Food Manufacturing Businesses are Dealing with Disruption.

Access the eBook

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